
If you can’t find the information you need on our site, please check this page. If you can’t find it here, contact us. We will be with you as soon as possible. Thanks!

What are your FDOT Pre-Qualifications?2023-01-11T02:30:23+00:00

We are prequalified in Categories 4.1, Miscellaneous Structures, and 4.1.2 Minor Bridge Design. We’re in the process of garnering our Bridge Inspection pre-qualification, we’ll update our site when we’ve obtained it.

Do you work for the public sector?2023-01-11T02:30:29+00:00

MCE works with private and public clients, including all branches of the public sector: municipal, state and federal agencies. We provide custom, individual professional services in civil and structural engineering design for transportation and infrastructure projects.

How I can get an estimate?2024-05-31T03:52:34+00:00

We’re friendly – and we don’t bite! Just callemail us, or use our contact form and one of our MCE representatives will be with you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

When will your office be ready?2024-05-31T03:51:06+00:00

Soon! We’re not ready for drop-ins quite yet. We’ll spare you the dust and mess, and in the meantime, contact us and we’ll be happy to arrange for offsite meetings, either at your office or in another convenient place. Thanks!

Do you have a Minority Business status?2023-01-11T02:30:49+00:00

Yes! Morales Consulting Engineers is certified by the state of Florida as a Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE).

Are you also a Certified Small Business?2023-01-11T02:30:53+00:00

Yes! Our request for certification as a Small Business has been approved by the FDOT.

Any other certifications?2023-01-11T02:31:01+00:00

Absolutely! Morales Consulting Engineers is currently working on becoming a certified Jacksonville Small Business Enterprise and 8A certification.

I’m not in the U.S., do you work internationally?2023-01-11T02:31:06+00:00

Absolutely! Our staff has have provided Professional Engineering services for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Colombia, South America, NAVFAC in Europe, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Talk to us about your needs – we’d love to help.

What’s it like working with family?2024-05-31T03:53:28+00:00

It’s pretty great! Morales Consulting Engineers is the culmination of two generations of eating, breathing, and sleeping the engineering profession. Now that it’s the family name on the door, it’s even more important to us that we continue to deliver professional, premium quality services with superb attention to meeting each customer’s needs. We pledge to honor our family tradition of excellence in professional engineering through our work with every client.

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